me the Night (KDM
186) Chris Froggatt (George Benson) 1980
Circle to the Left
Whenever dark has
You know the spirit of
the party starts to come alive
4 Men Star Right now… hey, look to the corner
Allemande Left your corner, then you Weave that Ring
'Cause there's music in
the air, and lots of lovin' everywhere
Swing that girl, Promenade tonight
'Cause there's music in
the air, and lots of lovin' everywhere
gimme the night (a-hah, a-hah!)
Heads you’ll Pass the
Ocean, Extend
Swing Thru, go two by two, Boys Run Right
and then
Bend the Line, a Right & Left Thru, turn them all around now
Hey Pass Thru, with a Wheel & Deal, when you do
Zoom, new centres Square Thru, and count to 3
Corner Swing,
Promenade her tonight
'Cause there's music in
the air, and lots of lovin' everywhere
gimme the night (a-hah, a-hah!)
4 Ladies Promenade and go one time around
Get back home and Swing
your man
Join hands, Circle to
the Left, go moving around
Allemande Left, and Weave round that Ring
'Cause there's music in
the air, and lots of lovin' everywhere
So gimme the night
Swing that girl… Promenade
Yes, there's music in
the air, lots of lovin' everywhere
gimme the night (a-hah, a-hah!)
4 Men you Promenade one time around
Get back home and Swing
your girl
Join hands, Circle
Left, well, go moving around
Allemande Left, and Weave round that Ring
'Cause there's music in
the air, and lots of lovin' everywhere
gimme the night (a-hah, a-hah!)
Yes, there's music in
the air, lots of lovin' everywhere
gimme the night (a-hah, a-hah!)
the night (a-hah, a-hah!)
Whenever dark has fallen, you know the
spirit of the party
Starts to come alive, until the day is dawning
You can throw out all your blues, and hit the city
'Cause there's music in the air, and lots
of lovin' everywhere
So gimme the night, gimme the night
You need the evening action, a place to
dine, a glass of wine
A little late romance, it's a chain reaction
You'll see the people of the world, coming out to
'Cause there's music in the air, and lots
of lovin' everywhere
So gimme the night, gimme the night
So come on out tonight, and we'll lead the
On a ride through paradise, and if you feel all right
Then we can be lovers,
'Cause I see that starlight
Look in your eyes, don't you know we can fly
Just gimme the night, gimme the night
'Cause there's music in the air, and lots
of lovin' everywhere
So gimme the night, Gimme the night
So come on out tonight, and we'll lead the
On a ride through paradise, and if you feel all right
Then we can be lovers
I see that starlight, look in your eyes
Don't you know we can fly, and if we stay together
We'll feel the rhythm of the evening
us up high, never mind the weather
We'll be dancing in the street, until the morning
'Cause there's music in the air, and lots
of lovin' everywhere
So gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
So, gimme the night
there's music in the air, and lots of lovin' everywhere
So gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
So, gimme the night
there's music in the air, and lots of lovin' everywhere
So gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
Gimme the night, gimme the night
So, gimme the night.