Atlantis Hoedown  (KDM 180)  Chris Froggatt (The Shadows) 1963


Bow to Partner, Bow to Corner, Allemande Left in the Alamo Style, Balance

Swing Thru, Balance, Swing Thru, Box the Gnat, 4 Girls Promenade inside

Swing and Promenade


Heads-Pass the Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Girls Circulate, Boys Trade

Boys Run, Bend the Line, go Up & Back, Right & Left Thru, Pass the Ocean

Swing Thru, Boys Run, Tag the Line, Face In, new Lines go Up & Back, Pass Thru

Wheel & Deal, Centres-Allemande Left, Everyone-Right & Left Grand, Promenade


Sides-Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Centres In-Cast Off 3/4, go Up & Back

Pass Thru, Tag the Line, Cloverleaf, new centres Pass Thru, Tch. 1/4

Scoot Back, Boys Run, Right & Left Thru, Pass the Ocean, Girls Trade, Recycle

Veer Left, Ferris Wheel, centres Pass Thru, Allemande Left, Promenade


Sides-Tch. 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Swing Thru, Girls Circulate, Boys Trade

Boys Run, Tag the Line, Face In, go Up & Back, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal

Zoom, new centres Pass Thru, Tch. 1/4, Make a Wave, Centres Trade, Boys Run

Pass the Ocean, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ferris Wheel, centres Right & Left Thru

Centres Pass Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Pass Thru

Wheel & Deal, Centres Veer Right, Boys Pass Thru, Allemande Left

Right & Left Grand, Swing Partner, Promenade


Heads-Square Thru 4, Split 2 Sep @1 to a Line, Pass Thru, Tag the Line

Cloverleaf, Double Pass Thru, Face In, Star Thru, Tch. 1/4, Make a Wave

All 8 Circulate, Boys Run, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Swing Partner, Promenade


Sides-Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Reverse Flutter

Dixie Style to a Wave, Boys Trade, Left Swing Thru, Girls Run, Ferris Wheel

Centres Tch. 1/4, Allemande Left, Right & Left Grand, Promenade

Bow to Partner, Bow to Corner, Swing, and Whoa!